Influenza and coronavirus vaccinations for the risk groups in Helsinki

Helsinki offers free-of-charge coronavirus and influenza vaccinations to those groups for which the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has issued recommendations. Vaccinations are effective in protecting against serious illness. See the groups eligible for free vaccinations.

Vaccination is voluntary and free of charge. Bring your Kela card or ID card when you arrive for your vaccination. 

Seasonal vaccinations 2024 

Autumn 2024 vaccinations will be available at certain health stations and only by appointment. 

We will provide vaccinations in stages, as recommended by THL, starting with those most at risk of severe illness, i.e. people over 80 and individuals with severe immunodeficiency of all ages.  

Persons over 80 and Individuals with severe immunodeficiency

People in this group will receive only the coronavirus vaccination first and the influenza vaccination later in the autumn. This will give them better protection against both diseases. In recent years, the coronavirus epidemic has started earlier than the influenza epidemic, which usually starts at the turn of the year or later. 

Members of this group will receive the following: 

  • The coronavirus vaccination between 17 and 27 September 
  • The influenza vaccination later in the autumn.

Appointments will become available a couple of weeks before the vaccinations. We will provide information about appointments and instructions for booking on this website closer to the vaccinations. We recommend booking your appointment using Maisa. Booking an appointment in Maisa is fast and easy.

If you cannot use Maisa, you can also book the vaccination appointment by calling a dedicated appointment number at +358 9 310 46300. 

Click here to read more about severe immunodeficiency (THL, in Finnish)

Ages 75–79 

People in this age group will receive both vaccinations at the same time.  

Members of this group will receive the following:  

  • Coronavirus and influenza vaccinations between 30 September and 11 October. 

Appointments will become available a couple of weeks before the vaccinations. We will provide information about appointments and instructions for booking on this website closer to the vaccinations. We recommend booking your appointment using Maisa. Booking an appointment in Maisa is fast and easy. 

If you cannot use Maisa, you can also book the vaccination appointment by calling a dedicated appointment number at +358 9 310 46300.  

Other target groups 

People over the age of 65 and those aged 18–64 who are eligible for free-of-charge seasonal vaccinations will receive the vaccination later in the autumn. We will inform you about this schedule later when the schedule for the import of the vaccines becomes available. 

Click to see whether you’re eligible for a free coronavirus or flu vaccine.

Customers of maternity and child health clinics, school and student health care 

Customers of maternity and child health clinics, school and student health care will receive their vaccinations from their respective maternity and child health clinic, school and student health care services. There will be an announcement about these vaccinations later. 

Clients of care services 

Helsinki’s hospital inpatient wards, senior centres and service homes vaccinate their own clients. All home care clients are vaccinated at home. Home care will be in contact with its clients and take care of their vaccinations. This also applies to clients of purchased home care services.  

Social services, health care and pharmaceutical staff 

Social services, health care and pharmaceutical staff receive the influenza vaccine primarily through their own occupational health care. 

For social services and health care employees, a late fall booster coronavirus vaccine is only recommended if they are eligible for the booster dose because of their age or an underlying medical condition. There is no medical basis for booster doses for all social services and health care professionals.